Category: Marko

  • Marko ofa 1

    aCdinkra UsU yEsu kristo, NankoCpcn ba, asempa no mfitiasECe. UpU sedECe wcatwECre odiyifoc yEsaia nwoma no mu se: hwe, mECrECsoma mEC bcfoc maCdi waCnim cno na cbesiEsiE wo qan. UaU obi nnEC rECtECaCm esECre so se: moCnsiEsiE aCwuradE qan! momma n’atECmpcn ntECnEC! Akan 1. Yesu Kristo, Nyankopon ba, asempa no mfitiasee. 2. Sedee woatwere odiyifuo Yesaia nwoma no mu…

  • Marko 1: 3

    Adinkra obi nnEC rECtECaCm esECre so se:moCnsiEsiE aCwuradE qan!momma n’atECmpcn ntECnEC! Akan Obi nne reteam esere so se:Monsiesie Awurade kwan!Momma n’atempon ntene! English The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.

  • Marko 1: 2

    Adinkra sedECe wcatwECre odiyifoc yEsaia nwoma no mu se:hwe, mECrECsoma mEC bcfoc maCdi waCnimcno na cbesiEsiE wo qan. Akan Sedee woatwere odiyifuo Yesaia nwoma no mu se:Hwe, meresoma me bofuo madi wanimono na obesiesie wo kwan. English As it is written in the prophets, Behold, I send my messenger before thy face, which shall prepare…

  • Marko 1: 1

    Adinkra yEsu kristo, NankoCpcn ba, asempa no mfitiasECe. Akan Yesu Kristo, Nyankopon ba, asempa no mfitiasee. English The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God;