Yohane 3: 26

Adinkrana wcbaa yohanEC nQen beka QECree noC se: rabi, dECe cbaa woC nQen yordan aCZa noChoCa a woCdii nEC hoC adansECe no, hwe, cnoC nsoC bc aCsu, na nnipa Ninaa ba nEC nQen.
AkanNa wobaa Yohane nkyen beka kyeree no se: Rabi, dee obaa wo nkyen Yordan agya nohoa a wodii ne ho adansee no, hwe, ono nso bo asu, na nnipa nyinaa ba ne nkyen.
EnglishAnd they came unto John, and said unto him, Rabbi, he that was with thee beyond Jordan, to whom thou barest witness, behold, the same baptizeth, and all men come to him.






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