Yohane 4: 9

Adinkraenna samaCriani baa noC sECEC noC se: eyee den na woC a woCye yudani bisa mEC a mECye samaCriani baa hc nsuo anom? efiri se na yudafoCc nEC samaCriafoCc nka.
AkanEnna Samariani baa no see no se: Eyee den na wo a woye Yudani bisa me a meye Samariani baa ho nsuo anom? Efiri se na Yudafuo ne Samariafuo nka.
EnglishThen saith the woman of Samaria unto him, How is it that thou, being a Jew, askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria? for the Jews have no dealings with the Samaritans.






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